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Mrs Lansdown and Mr Dean's Class

Term 5

This term our topic is Invaders which will be based around the Anglo Saxons and Vikings.

What we are covering in Term 5

Maths: Decimals, money and time

English: Non-chronological reports and persuasive writing based on our topic of 'Invaders'.

Science: Living things and food chains

Topic: Invaders

RE: Gospel

HeartSmart: Don't hold on to what is wrong

PE: Real PE – Athletics


Term 3

Welcome back, I hope you all had a restful Christmas and New Year.


Tuesday (Lessons may be inside or outside, so make sure you have the correct PE kit for both) 

Friday - Swimming (Pupils can wear their PE kits to school and bring their swimming kits including goggles if possible)


This term and next we will be learning about the Romans and the impact they had on Britain. 

Vocabulary focus 

Our Roman WOW Day!


The children looked brilliant in their Roman outfits!

We've had an exciting WOW day exploring all about Roman numerals with Mrs Lansdown, getting artistic with Mr Ramshaw and creating beautiful mosaics and finally becoming a Roman soldier with Mr Evens.

A lovely start to our Romans topic. 

Term 2

PE - Monday (Lessons may be inside or outside, so make sure you have the correct PE kit for both)

Outdoor Learning  - Tuesday (Make sure you have your welly boots and warm coats)

Welcome back, I hope you have all had a restful half-term. 

This term we will be continuing with our topic of - Rivers around the World. 

Our Rivers Wow Day!


From this ... 

To this ... 


Our first week this term is Book Week. We will link the week with Remembrance and look at the text The Lion and the Unicorn.






We have thoroughly enjoyed welcoming the children into year 3 & 4. They have settled amazingly and loved sharing their hopes and dreams with us for the year, which we have added to our kindness tree: 

Class Teachers

Mrs Lansdown - Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday morning

Mr Dean - Wednesday afternoon, Thursday and Friday

Teaching Assistant

Miss Ivory - Monday, Wednesday and Thursday morning

PE Days

Starting the week beginning 11th September, PE will be on a Monday and Tuesday.

Y3&4 Curriculum

Please see the knowledge Organiser (attached at the end of the page) to see what we will be learning between now and Christmas. 

Our new topic this term is 'Rivers in my World'


Our Collective Worship theme for this term is 'Generosity'.

Our Heartsmart focus is 'Be HeartSmart' which teaches the children about the power they hold in being able to help others and look out for each other.


Vocabulary focus