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Term 5 Week 1

Hi Year 1, 

I hope you are all well and keeping safe? 

Here are some activities for you to do for the week beginning 20/4/20

This is a suggested timetable of when you could complete the different activities

Week 1 Activities

Maths: White Rose Lessons 1 to 4, watch the video clips (on the link below) and then answer the questions on the sheets below.

English: Year 1 English Unit, Sidney Spider - A Tale of Friendship

Please have a go at the following activities:

Sidney's sticky notes 

Who said what, quiz time

Can you find four things in your house that are ancient

Can you name four animals that hunt for their prey

Can you make up your own actions for the song Incy Wincy Spider.

Topic: We are starting our topic of 'A Wonderful World' looking at the world map and naming the continents and oceans, please have a look at the powerpoint and then complete the activity sheet. 

Computing: please revise the importance of esafety by going through the powerpoint. 

Science: Hopefully you have all managed to plant your seeds. This week as well as completing your plant diary, please can you look at the powerpoint on wild plants and then go on a wild plant hunt.

Music:-  Continents Song :Listen to the Continents Song and sing along.

Can you make up your own song about the continents?

Art :- Landmarks: Can you make a drawing, college, painting or sketch of a famous landmark from the UK?

Ideas of famous UK landmarks are on the attachment below