On Tuesday 28th September, Year 3 and 4 took part in a ‘Times Tables Rockstars’ Launch Day. The children dressed up as rock stars and they all took part in a number of activities, including designing their own rock star characters, times tables games and exploring the use of Times Tables Rockstars. Times Tables Rockstars is a fantastic app that can be used to support the recall of times tables facts. It is fun, interactive and engages children to improve on all areas of mathematics. However, as a school, we want to maximize this potential. There will be monthly awards, class battles and house battles where children can gain house points. These will be added onto the house points tally and contribute towards the winning house at the end of each term. It is also helpful to prepare children for the Multiplication Check at the end of Year 4. The Multiplication Check determines whether pupils can recall their times tables fluently, which is essential for future success in mathematics.