Carry on home learning update

Hello all home learners and their home teachers you are doing a great job - keep going and carry on!
Hello from school
We are now in Week 4 of Term 5 and the 8 week of home learning. I do hope that you are all managing to keep your spirits up and maintain the great home learning that we have been seeing through your photos and emails. We love to read them and please keep them coming.
I have added some further ideas regarding home reading and questioning for parents that you might find helpful. these are from the Education Endowment Fund.
Please do continue to access the home learning from the class webpages and hopefully you are all able to participate in the class group meetings. These meeting are being split into two groups per class to make them more manageable. You will receive only one code and a specific time for your child to join in. Please don't share the codes with others.
After the PM's announcement yesterday evening we now know that there is a possibility of Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 children returning to school in June. This is all dependant on the R rate being at a certain level, which we haven't been told what they is as yet. Neither have we been given guidance of how this return will look or what the expectation are of schools. When we do receive this guidance we will of course be in touch with parents of those year groups.
Keep learning and keep smiling. We miss you all and hope to see you all soon on the assemblies and class meetings.
Best wishes
Mr Smith