Partial re-opening of school

Details of the partial re-opening of Almondsbury CE Primary School
Hello Parents
As you know there has been so much debate in the media about the partial re-opening of schools throughout England. I have attached the letter from South Gloucestershire Local Authority on their stance regarding this re-opening.
As a school and in partnership with other local schools we are taking a staggered approach to that partial re-opening of our school. The details are in the letter stating the date in which we will re-introduce specific year groups back into school. These year groups will be in school full time from the date that has been stated.
Due to the guidance and need for safety including the social distancing measures the children wil return in much smaller classes. As a result of this, there will be no room within school for siblings of children from these year groups neither for any other children. As we go through June I will continue to keep you updated on any changing of plans.
I am very appreciative of the support parents have given to their children as well as the school. This is also much appreciated by the teachers. We will continue to provide online assemblies for all children in the school as well as online class meetings which will move to Friday's as from that first week of June. All of the adults within school will be in class teaching the children in their bubbles. Therefore, these class meetings will not be able to take place during the rest of the week. Most teachers and teaching assistants will be teaching in different year groups to what is normal.
I have also attached below the detailed risk assessment that has been drawn up to ensure the safety of the children and the staff.
Next week would have been half term. We will still be open for a small number of children. There will be no new online learning, however there wil be a set of challenges posted on the class pages for the children to engage in. Regular online learning will resume on 2 June.
I hope you remain safe and well.
Best wishes
Mr Smith