Start of Term 6 (although not as we usually know it)
Welcome back to Term 6. Online learning is ready for use.
Hello and welcome back to online learning for Term 6.
The teachers have places all of the online learning on their class pages for this week. This will continue throughout the term even for those year groups who are expected in school as not everyone is choosing to come back. Please do try to continue to support your child/ren in the same manner you have previously. We have been so impressed by all of the work being completed and sent through to us.
From this week we will be moving all of the Class Zoom meetings to a Friday and they will be at the same time every week from now on. This will enable you to create a routine around the meetings. There will only be one meeting per class from now on each week. For example Mr Garcia's class meeting will be at 9.30am every Friday. the codes and passwords will be sent through to you via text every Wednesday.
We will resume key phase assemblies as from next week. Reception will continue to be on a Monday, Years 1 and 2 will move to a Tuesday, Year 3 and 4 on a Wednesday and Years 5 and 6 on a Thursday. These will remain at the same time of 10.15am. The codes and passwords will be sent out at the beginning of the week via text.
We do hope you enjoyed the Half Term challenges and would like to see some picture of feedback to your class teachers on how well the children achieved some of them.
We currently have 22 Reception children in school, who have settled back into school well today. They are in their own bubbles and being great at observing social distancing. They are happy and well.
Good luck for this term and we will see some of the Year 1 children next Monday and the Year 6's the following Monday.
Mr Smith