Update for September re-opening

Please read the letter attached and emailed to all parents regarding the reopening of school to all children in September.
Dear Parents
As you would have heard on the news last week the announcement that the expectation is that all schools and all chidlren will be returning to school full time in September. I have written to you at length and I apologise in advance for how long the letter is. It outlines al the details of how this will be achieved at Almondsbury. We will be introducing staggered starts and ends to the day as well as throughout the school day at break and lunchtimes.
We have undertaken an extensive risk assessment which is also available and may be subject to change depending on circumstances between now and September. The letter sets out the expectations of children, parents and staff for the start of school in September. Please do watch out for any further information which may come at teh end of the summer holidays.
If you have any further questions please contact the office or myself.
Mr Smith