End of year letter

Please see the attached letter for the details of end of year and start of 2020/21.
Dear Parents
I hope you are all still well and healthy. It has been lovely to see all the children come back to school for their class and year group visits over the past three weeks. We all look forward to seeing everyone return in September.
We are saying goodbye to our Year 6 children and wish them all teh very best for their future at their next schools, wherever they may be heading. They have been a great cohort of children and we will be sad to see them leave especially under these circumstances this year. We are hoping to make their final day at Almondsbury a special one.
We are also saying goodbye to four members of staff who have been with us for different amounts of time. Ms Adachi will be leaving us to take up a Director of Music post and we wish her all the very best. The children and staff will miss her talents and drive for music over the past seven years. Mrs Tweehuysen is also leaving us after being with us for 18 months. Miss Kuusik and Mrs Mepham who have been in school covering maternity leaves move onto to a new school and retirement. We wish all of them well and we shall have fond memories of their time at Almondsbury.
Also contained within the letter are further details for reopening in September. Please note the timings for each class entry and exit from school as well as the information of how things will work practically for lunches, PE and other aspects of the school day.
There will be further information regarding the curriculum design for September in due course but a small section is included in the letter. What out for this on the Curriculum page on the website.
I would like to thank you all for your superb efforts over the past few months and treat yourselves to an end of year present for all your hard work. I hope you have a lovely summer holiday and I look forward to seeing you all in September.