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2. Term 2

This term we will continue to explore Autumn and special times celebrated during this season, including Diwali, Bonfire Night, Remembrance Day and Christmas.

The first week back this term is 'Book Week', we will be joining in with whole school activities including 'Drop Everything and Read', 'The Big Read' with our Year 6 buddies and dressing up as our favourite book characters at the end of the week. 



Important Dates - Term 2

Monday 4th November - First day of Term 2 - 'Book Week'

Monday 11th November - Walk to the war memorial

Tuesday 12th November - School photos 

Thursday 14th November - Parents Evening

Friday 15th November - Children in Need - dress up as what you want to be when you grow up

Tuesday 19th November - Parents Evening

Friday 6th December -  Christmas Fayre 6-8pm

Thursday 12th December - Reception nativity performance - 2:15pm

Friday 13th December - Christmas party afternoon

Tuesday 17th December - Christmas lunch & entertainment afternoon

Friday 20th December - End of term 2