3. Term 3
Happy New Year! We hope you enjoyed the Christmas holiday with your families and friends.
Welcome back to Term 3!
This term the children will begin by looking closely at the season - Winter.
We will have 2 focus texts for our Drawing Club - 'Robin's Winter Song' and 'Jack Frost'.
We will explore signs of winter such as the colder weather and what animals do (hibernate & migrate).
We will celebrate our learning by having a 'Winter Day' on Wednesday 10th January.
This term we will also be learning a new fairytale - Little Red Riding Hood.
The children have shown a keen interest in different occupations. We are hoping to enhance this interest through exploring the topic of 'People Who Help Us' and learning about those with important job roles in our local community.
We will also be exploring our feelings and emotions, in particular, looking at feeling angry. We will discuss what makes us feel angry and strategies to help calm us down when we feel this way.
We will also be celebrating Chinese New Year, using the story 'The Great Race'.
Our Super Value this term is 'Perseverance'.
Important Dates - Term 3
Tuesday 2nd January - INSET Day
Wednesday 3rd January - Start of Term 3
Wednesday 10th January - Winter Day
Friday 2nd February - Number Day
Friday 9th February - End of Term 3