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Monday 11th May

Activity 1: Read and Respond - "Beowulf" Chapters 4-6

This week's alternative is the fable "The Girl and the Fox." It is told through a short video on the Literacy Shed website.

Tuesday 12th May

Activity 2: Writing Task

Wednesday 13th May

Activity 2: Writing Task

Thursday 14th May

Activity2: Finish and illustrate a writing task

Friday 15th May

Activity 3: Grammar - Standard and Non-Standard English

Useful Links

Spelling frame -

Reading /Spelling - Read Theory (Login sent home in Term 4 (Can be accessed from class teacher))/ Reading Eggs – register for free for 30 days.


David Walliams Elevenses

Make a ‘Homophone Reminder’: (Homophones activity with Miss Cole)