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In Reception, we teach maths through practical, hands on sessions. Our objective in the Early Years is to ensure that all children develop firm mathematical foundations in a way that is engaging and appropriate for their age. 

Each child is provided with a maths folder to use at home to support their mathematical learning. The pack includes a set of flashcards from 0-20, which includes the numeral, word and dot formation. Please help your child to recognise the numbers out of sequence and then order them in sequence. Please begin with 0-5 first. When your child is confident with this, move on to 0-10, then 0-20. You may like to play games such as matching the correct number of items to a numeral, having a number hunt by hiding all the numbers around the house, finding them and then sequencing them or making a number line and taking numbers away – can your child identify the missing numerals?

We have also included a Numicon number line. The children are learning to subitise numbers which means recognising small amounts visually, without having to count them. We are teaching the children that the same number of objects can be arranged in various ways and still have the same quantity, you could practise this at home using the ten frame and the dice provided. You can also practise simple addition and subtraction using two different colours as seen below. Here is a link to a great video clip that explains how we teach maths in Reception

Ten Frame

Finally, you will also find a part, part whole model to compliment the work we are doing in school. You can practise finding the parts that make up a whole number. You can do this practically first with different objects around the house and then move onto using the numerals.

Part, Part, Whole