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T5 Week 4

Y6 Maths

Please open the document 'Year 6 Maths Home Learning' below for information on Maths activities this week.  The 'White Rose Home Learning' activities are also saved below as PDFs.


Non-fiction: Explanation Texts

  1.  What is formal language? Watch the videos, try the quizzes and then write/type/ record a range of sentences using formal and informal language.
  2. Design your own marvellous machine, just like the Teacher-Pleaser. You may want to do something like a Bedroom-Tidier, a Homework-Completer or a Sibling-Annoyer! Create a poster of your machine and label its different features, thinking carefully about how each part works.
  3. Write an explanation text to show how your marvellous machine works. This should include the features you have learnt about – technical/formal language and causal conjunctions – and match the style of the Teacher-Pleaser example. You can present this however you wish. Be sure to send a photo/copy to your teacher once you have finished.


Complete this week's Science Fun at Home challenges all based around the theme of sink or swim. Details in the Science Fun at Home Week 4 PDF below.

You may also enjoy the Quarantine Science Challenge YouTube channel - a collection of great suggestions for exciting experiments to try at home, put together by a secondary school science teacher. These are added to daily.


See Week 4 of attached PDF below Term 5 Spellings for Year 6.