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Term 3 and 4 Information

It's great to be back for our third term in Year 1 and Year 2 


Our class will continue to follow these times:

Start of day: 8.55am (entering through the white hall door in the Key Stage 1 playground)

End of the day: 3:30pm (leaving also, through the white hall door in the Key Stage 1 playground)


Our class PE days will continue to be on Mondays and Thursdays.  Please ensure your child comes to school in their PE kit on those days.  PE on Thursdays may take place outdoors, so please provide them with suitable clothing for whatever weather conditions we may face!


Forest Skills will take place on Thursday afternoon during term 4, please ensure your child comes to school in their PE kits clothes on this day and a warm waterproof coat. The children will be learning outside in the school forest schools area, whatever the weather!


The children are required to bring their book bags everyday. This should include their Reading Record and school reading book.

The Year 1 children will have their reading books changed every Friday.

The Year 2 children will have their reading books changed every Monday. 


The children will be visiting the school library every Tuesday. They will bring a book of their choice home to share. Please ensure your child brings their library book in every Tuesday to exchange for another book. Thank you 


The Year 1 children will continue to cover the Y1 Curriculum and sound patterns following the Essential Letters and Sounds programme.

The Year 2 children will be continuing with the Essentia; Letters and sounds Spelling programme. 


We will starting off this term by reading the wonderful book 'Lost and Found' by Oliver Jeffers, this is to enhance the learning of our topic 'Extraordinary Explorers'.


Our first unit this term is Addition and Subtraction.  This will be followed by a unit on Place Value for Year 1 and Money for Year 2.


We will be starting an exciting new topic this term, 'Extraordinary Explorers'.



This term our theme is 'Animals including humans'. This includes learning about the parts of the human body and our senses, animal body parts and what animals eat for Year 1 and grouping animals by categories and life cycles in Year 2 


Our Heartsmart focus is 'Don't forget to let love in'. 

Heartsmart – The Priory CE (VA) Primary School

Year 1 and Year 2  Timetable


Our Collective Worship theme for this term is 'Hope'.